Walnut Hill Tracking & Nature Center

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Track Patterns - indoors at Walnut Hill

Saturday, April 20,2024, 10am to 2pm
The trails of animals show distinct patterns. Learning to recognize these patterns is crucial to being able to identify the animal that left the tracks. Recognizing the patterns also helps us visualize the animal as it is moving, deepening our connection with the animal and its environment. In this indoor workshop we will learn the most common patterns left by our indigenous mammals: insectivores, rodents, herbivores, carnivores. We will see the similarities and differences between similarly-sized animals such as eastern moles and short-tailed shrews, ermines and long-tailed shrews, gray foxes and red foxes, etc. We will also view unique animations that we have created that show the creation of trails including walks, lopes, and trots. Finally, we will delve into the fascinating world of interpreting animal behavior as shown by the gaits it has chosen.
What is the difference between a walk and a trot? What is a bound and who bounds? What does it mean if a bobcat changes from a direct-register to an over-step walk? Can we tell what direction the coyote turned its head? How are lopes and gallops different? What is a “transverse gallop,” how is it different from a “rotatory gallop,” and which is a red fox or a coyote most likely to use? We will find the answer to these questions and many more.
The program will be held at our Walnut Hill home, in the room folks sometimes refer to as the museum. Group size is intentionally kept small so that all questions can be answered as they arise. Participants will receive packets of information including tables of preferred gaits and stride and trail width measurements and will learn how to use these resources.
Fee: $50 per person

To register for this class using a credit card:

Track Patterns Apr 20 2024

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Walnut Hill Tracking & Nature Center
325 Walnut Hill Rd, Orange MA 01364Phone: 978-544-6083
E-mail: walnuthilltracking@verizon.net