Walnut Hill Tracking & Nature Center

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Beaver Sign

A large White Oak in process of being felled by Beavers

A closer look at beaver cutting in progress, this on black birch, a favorite food and building material. After scraping off and eating the thin bark and cambium layer, the beavers will cut the trunk into manageable lengths to use as construction and repair material in the dam and lodge; intact limbs and branches may be anchored on the pond bottom as part of the winter cache, to be used as food once the surface of the pond has frozen solid and made access to standing trees impossible.

A close-up look at the beaver's amazing incisor teeth

Beaver "artwork."

drag marks from cut items brought into the water, either for immediate consumption in the lodge, for food caching, or for building material for the dam or the lodge

floating debris from Beaver activity

Although it is not a highly-preferred food source, in certain circumstances beavers often cut white pine, both as a food source and for building material

A channel created by Beavers at a pond that is now abandoned

Beaver dam

Beaver scent mound, used to mark occupied territory

Beaver digging; beavers dig frequently for food

A lodge

Two family members greeting; Beavers are very affectionate.

Walnut Hill Tracking & Nature Center
325 Walnut Hill Rd, Orange MA 01364Phone: 978-544-6083
E-mail: walnuthilltracking@verizon.net
All photographs on this site are by Nick Wisniewski